Private - rental units
You are going travelling, working abroad & you need to put your personal, perhaps expensive items in safekeeping till your return.
We understand the need for our customers to place their precious items into storage whilst they are away and perhaps renting out their house. The last thing on your mind is that, someone might be going through your private documents, using your equiptment or even wearing your clothes whilst you are away.....
This is why we say 'Our rental units' are the safe and easy option for your particular circumstance. All our units are lockable and monitored 24/7 with the latest in video surveillance and many other safeguards in place to put your mind at rest during your absence.
View our unit rental options below and sign up via the RED button below each option.
2 X 2 X 2 Meter UNIT
​​Crate sized unit
£20 per Week
2 X 5 X 2 Meter UNIT
Large Single Garage size
£40 per Week​​
2 X 3 X 2 Meter UNIT
​Small Garage size
£30 per Week
3 X 4 X 2 Meter UNIT
​Mid sized / between single & Double garage size
£45 perWeek
2 X 4 X 2 Meter UNIT
Single Garage size
£35 per Week​​
3 X 5X 2 Meter UNIT
​Double garage size
£50 perWeek